Monday 18 April 2016

The driving instructor from "hell"

Note before reading this story: I'm writing this not because I wanted to shame my driving instructor. I am simply writing down my experience and dissatisfaction. Do not take this post seriously and try not to be offended and butthurt. You have been warned.

I start getting my license since late February and now I already know how to drive a car! Well, not really. I still drive a car like a madman but hey, I'm not that bad! Unfortunately, I got a very bad driving instructor. He always yells at me and scolds me for no reason (sometimes). I feel so stressed and lazy everytime I have a schedule with him. Because I need to deal with his shit all over again. I don't like that.

Every Tuesday for the past 3 weeks (only one week left for me to learn with him, yay!) I've been taking a driving lesson with him and it's the worst. On the first day (mind you I don't even know how to drive), he drove the car to the main road. I was like "Okay, cool. He's going to show me how to drive here." But hell no to the no no no, he wanted me to drive the car! On the freaking main road. I don't even know how to drive a car! Did he want us to die in a freak accident or something?! Welp, I drove the car anyways. Luckily, we didn't get into an accident and I can say that I drove pretty good for a first-timer. But I'm pretty bad when I'm in the driving school area. I still think he's insane for letting me, inexperienced in driving, to drive on the main road. Not to mention he's (almost) 2 hours late! I waited for him for 2 hours that morning!

On the second time learning with him (he's late for 2 hours too), as usual, he always yells at me. I did a few mistakes here and there but that's it! He did not need to scold me or yell at me because I can't stand it when people make me feel pressured. I learned how to park a car. I did not get it right on the first time but after a few tries, I did it right. After an hour and a half, another student came. And he said that that student will teach me. I'm like "??? Are you for real?" Fortunately, that student was so kind and we're the same age. He actually looked like my friend (?) but that's beside the point. That student came because he made a promise with our driving instructor to test drive because he got JPJ the next day. So, he taught me things but I don't understand actually. Half an hour passed and my time's up. I went back home.

The third time was hell and heaven (?) for me. When I arrived, I was late 10 minutes because of personal issues I took a dump. He said that he will teach another student because I was 10 minutes late. 10 minutes! WTF. He's always late for 2 hours but he didn't see me replacing him for a new instructor! My dad was there and my dad was angry too! I think my dad also scold him a little bit. Anyways, I came back 2 hours later. That day, I got a massive amount of yelling and scolding from my driving instructor. A lot more than usual. I almost ran into a car and it's all because of him. He yelled at me and I got shocked, I accidentally stepped on the gas. I was so angry and the tables turned. This time, I'm the one who's scolding him (calmly, of course). I told him that he cannot be too harsh on his students because the students will not feel eager to learn and be stressed everytime he yells at them. I talked to him many more but I am too lazy to right lol. Basically, I schooled him. He only kept quiet and didn't say anything. I was so satisfied that I had let out my feelings of anger and etc to him.

I told everything that happened to my parents and they also feel dissatisfied with him. Apparently, the staffs know that his attitude is shitty. The staffs also sided with me. No wonder he only got 2 students (including me, excluding the guy earlier) to teach! No one likes him!

Tomorrow, I'll have a lesson with him again and next Tuesday will be the last one. I can't wait until that day so that I can not be worried about him scolding and yelling at me anymore! But for now, I need to become patient and learn properly how to drive.

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