Thursday 21 April 2016

My UPSI exam/interview experience!

I wrote this post late because I was so tired. Anyways, yesterday I went to UPSI to take my entrance exam and interview. I took Diploma in English language. So I'm going to tell you guys my experience and what really happened so that this might be useful to some of you who took the same course and is going to the same university as me (*^▽^)/

4:30 a.m.: My parents and I drove our way to Perak (my lil' bro stayed back). I was so sleepy and all I wanted to do at that time was sleep but I couldn't close my eyes because I was too nervous. But 1 hour later, I fell asleep anyways ( ̄▽ ̄)

6:00 a.m.: We arrived at Perak! My dad stopped at a mosque to do his prayers meanwhile my mother and I just sit in the car because I'm on my *girls problem* (*´∀`*)

7:00 a.m.: We ate breakfast at a stall in front of the university. I ate two curry puffs (karipap) and a kuih called seri muka. It was mehh \|  ̄ヘ ̄|/ I didn't ate one of the curry puffs because I'm full. I usually eat my breakfast at 8/9 a.m.

7:30 a.m.: After we finished eating breakfast, my dad searched for the lecture hall which is the place where I'll be taking the exam. My dad found it and we drove there. We waited for 45 minutes before I went in the hall. I was so nervous but I looked calm. I'm kinda calm actually. I'm confident!

8:15 a.m.: I went inside the hall. I forgot to tell you, there were plenty of people there. I actually lose my confidence a bit when I saw how many people there are. But I don't really care how many people there are actually. I sat on the third row and in the middle section.

8:30 a.m.: The exam starts. It's basically like a normal exam. The question is like a normal English exam. It have objective questions and an essay. It's not that hard but a little bit confusing. But I still managed to answer it all nonetheless (*•̀ᴗ•́*)و ̑̑

10:50 a.m.: The exam actually ended at 10:30 but all of us went out from the hall late because there's some problem but that's besides the point. Anyways, my parents picked me up and we went out to eat lunch.

12:00 a.m.: After we ate lunch, we went inside the university to rest at the university's mosque. I studied a bit about grammars and stuff because I'm afraid that they'll ask me to teach during the interview.

2:00 p.m.: I went upstairs to the place where I will have my interview after my parents dropped me off at the faculty. I waited in the line and it was so hot, my armpits are sweating! 3 people will enter the room to have the interview. There was this girl beside me who's super cute and friendly. We talked to each other and she's a nice companion for me while we're killing the time to wait for our turn.

2:20 p.m.(?): I'm not quite sure if it's the right time but it's finally our turn. We sat on the chairs in front of the interviewer. I was nervous but not really. I looked pretty calm, I guess? Anyways, the interviewer asked us for our names, where we're from and our ambition. The girl who I didn't talk to came from Penang and the girl beside me who I talked with earlier came from KL. Then the interviewer ask us about a topic. It was: Give an example of a culture and one of their unique practices. That's the only questions they asked, guys! No, I didn't teach them! Thank goodness!

2:45 p.m.: We finished the interview and it was time for us to go home. As usual, my parents waited downstairs where all the other parents waited. We went back home and that's basically it! ( ´ ▽ ` )

I was so tired because I didn't get much sleep. I slept in the car on the way home. It was such a fun experience for me! I don't know if I'm gonna be accepted in the university but let's hope for the best! I hope that I'll get chosen and study there! Pray for me y'all! (≧∇≦)/

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